Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I think wellgot some sleep last night. Eddie came right in and we were all alseep by 11 at least Niko and I were. I woke a bit later to find Eddie sitting at the top of the stairs looking at the windows across teh space ofthe vaulted ceiling. It is clear that he is not a republican at heart since he gathers information from many different perspectives before making up his mind.

When I woke well after dawn Eddie was sleeping peacefully and twitching from a dream curled up with back against Niko's bed. As I wathced for about half an hour I saw him gradually move a bit closer to Nio and increase is contact with the edge of the bed. I'm guessing that sometime soon I will find them both sleeping on Nikos bed together.

I realized watching Eddie that he really looks up to Niko and is bonding to him. Recalling his days at the pound he always seemed most drawn toward be tough dogs. Given His near blindness I'm guessing that he has had to forge aliances with such dogs for security adn protection. This was probalby esspecially important in his situation at Gabbs. He trully is the little diplomat, if for no other reason than for survival. Instead of relying on physical attributes such as size, or speed, Eddie has had to rely on his mind to survive.

I noticed a streak of blood/goop running from the middle of his ear, I suppose as a result the bone incident from yesterday. Otherwise he appears physically unharmed which is amazing given what the scene looked like. Given speed with which dogs move and the apparent caos of such encounters teh surgical precision with which dogs wield their their teeth is impressive. After I witnessing the scene yesterday the first though I had was that Eddie might be shredded and how in the world can we treat him given that he isnot nearly as cooperative about such things as most civilized dogs.

On rousing ourselves I let them out whereupon they sniffed around the house intently. I think we may have had some visitors from the nation of coyote last night. after a few minutes Tilla appeared coming up from the creek. Eddie did not see or hear her until the last second just before Tilla came up and tried to lick his nose. He seemed a bit suprprised and went back to sniffing around his den presumably for traces of last nights visitors. It seems that his vision fluctuates.


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