Sunday, April 05, 2009

end of week TEN

Yesterday passed the end of week ten, with Eddie still sleeping under his tree, and life has been routine since I have had some work to complete. The other day when Ed had almost finished eating his dinner he accidentally clipped the bowl with a toe nail and let out a yelp as he jumped back. Otherwise he is getting more comfortable eating from the bowl so I have been moving it closer to the house and moving Niko's bowl closer to his so that now they are comfortable eating about six feet apart. Clearly Eddie is becoming more comfortable around Niko and is almost beginning to play with him. Niko Initiates the play by growling and posturing and Eddie sort of responds by backing off and then playfully lunging back at Niko but with his teeth bared. He is clearly conflicted about what is going on, but I consider this to be positive progress. Also since it is almost springtime here and the snow is melting quickly they are beginning to harass some of local ground burrowing critters together: Nothing like a little hunting to bond dogs.

I have had the flu for the past week and have not been walking them as much as normal. But last week as I just beginning to feel bad we had a long walk up to the top of a local hill and Ed really enjoyed himself. It seems the further we get away from know territory and especially the house the more comfortable he is with getting close to me. He seems to be making progress though and is beginning to hang out closer the house during the day as the snow melts and there a more nice spots in the sun to rest on pine needles.

Tonight when I gave him and Niko their bones I left his on the plate. He noticed the plate immediately and saw Niko chewing happily for about 30 seconds and then let out a few barks and paced and check the bowl/bone out from different angles. After a minute of his whining and and sitting and pacing I relented and dumped the bone on the snow beside his plate. He had no problem grabbing it even with the plate almost touching it. When he becomes apprehensive about eating he looks up and around especially at the trees and house as if checking to see if they are going to get him. He seems to convince himself that the trees and hours have not moved and then warily proceeds to eat.


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