Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Third night outside as the snow falls

Why won't Eddie come inside? He spent the last two nights outside, the first night in the 46 F rain/snow and last night in the 32 F snow. He is staying in some trees up on the hill, in the same area where I had been thinning out some white Fir trees last week taking advantage of the warm spring like weather. He is much more wary of everything and seems more on-edge when near the house. Aa big gust of wind which blew a mini-blizzard of snow from the trees over us caused him to stop eating and back off about 20 feet down the dirveway. He did come back and finish his food. He seems to be very hungry and I have been feeding him as much as Niko. I'm guessing he is burning the extra calories to stay warm.

Tonight the snow is light and we went for a walk after dinner and then another about an hour later. On returning He followed Niko and me down the driveway toward the house. and stopped about 40 feet away. I stood splitting the distance between him and the house as Niko settled onto trail still closer to the house. I resolved to stand for a 100 breath count. For fifty breaths Eddie sat and groomed a bit and then headed down the driveway to about 100 feet off. He hung out there for about ten breaths and then came back. I'd moved in front of the house by then and let Niko into the house at breath 72 after he sat by the door indicating his desire. Eddie curled up where he had been on the trail and I continued until breath 104 before going inside, being glad that Eddie felt comfortable enough to curl up that close the house. Earlier in the day Niko and I had tried similar tactics to no avail. Eddie would not take treats after a certain point but did think about it and mad a fast walking pass past Niko and me in as we sat in front of the deck gate, He does that when he is not quite comfortable enough to stop and hang out by someone.

I went to see if he is still curled up on the trail: he is not. I presume he is in his spot by tree above the the road on the hill. He seems to be keeping warm enough but has been shacking his head and flopping his ears around. I think they might be cold, but I really don't know whatI can do about it. Looking at it from his perspective perhaps being outside is not so bad. If I had fur and a could get a good waterproof computer I'd probably join him and say to hell with the mortgage. Clearly there is something going on in his doggy mind which I do not understand.

As for the wooden bowl experiment: I could not find one, and then decided that perhaps it would not be a good idea anyway after observing him eat a few more times. It seems that he does not correlate sounds with their causes. As he is eating he will stop and check around the plate as he if he is looking for some small critter that is making noises. Perhaps he will figure that he is the causing the sounds by moving the bowl given more time.


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