Eddie takes over Niko's bed
Theoretical bunk aside, Eddie seems to have decided the house is maybe OK again since he came right in and settled on Niko's bed ast night. He seemed perfectly comfortable in the house alone while Niko and I stayed on the deck to listen for coyotes and and write about bowl acoustics. Earlier we had gone for our customary after dinner walk and heard Mr. Coyotaronian and his buddies up the canyon. Niether dog wanted to go far and upon returning home Niko and I went up onto deck and Eddie followed after about 20 seconds passing us both. He waited for me to open the front door and padded inside. Everyday he makes progress even if it is not visible to his boneheaded human.
Back to acoustics,:Another reason why windows are so scary might be the multiple echos they create. If the house pops or creaks as I walk every window will reflect and amplify the high frequency sound component which makes it appear as if close-by multiple incoming threats are happening simulataneously from different directions. Eddie's brain would be over loaded. the visula analogy is a room full of mirrors all reflecting back and forth multiplying each reflection many times with a rabid vampire bat monster creature that wants to suck your blood and is flying around looking for you using echolocation. You would not be able to tell which was the real bat and which a reflection until it close enough for you to here or feel the wing beats. all in all pretty terrifying... kind of like the mirror room in Bruce Lees film enter the dragon.
Despite all that Eddie has managed to take over Niko's prime bed. for the past two nights Niko has been sleeping on the floor or on the amll blue bed. Niko could easily kick Eddie off but I think he realizes the need to make Eddie feel extra welcome given the huge sensory issues has with the house. Eddie is doing great and it sure looks like he is here to stay. If anyone out there in doggy blog land knows Steve Jobs: the 24 inch iMac still has not showed up on the door step. I'm sure Eddie would greatly appreciate the sleek QUIET performance of such a machine sitting on his human's desk. Fed Ex is prefered per Niko.
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