Saturday, February 28, 2009

End of Week Five: What happened to the time?

Niko stood trembling after I let him into the house. Three loud shots from down the road broke the evening silence just as dinner was about to be served. I rushed out to let Niko in knowing he would be terrified. I'll check for bullet holes in the truck tomorrow. I called Eddie and heard him come down the hill and stop forty feet from the house. I went around and called him from the deck and back inside to wait. After a minute I checked but he was not there so I opened the garage door and he came down the hill and went up onto the deck. Going through the house and I opened the front door and he came right in. I think that might count as coming inside when called for a lax disciplinarian like myself.

Another first. He has decided to tolerate being in my presence while inside and curled up happily in his spot on Nikos bed. He did not even seem to mind the flash nor my going down stairs and coming back.
Eddie staying in the loft with noisy Ogre-like human for the first time since the first week.

He did leave right after the click of the plasitc connector flap/door on the camera snapped closed after disconnecting the upload cable through which the above photo traveled just now. He has settled on the landing and I'm happy to see that he will not be going back and forth so often in the future as I was becoming concerned he might wear a trail in recently finished floor. Neither dog is interested in food right now, which is surprising since it 8:20 and last night's dinner was a late afternoon meaty bone. They did have a lunch of Origen fish kibble. They also got to run around with my neighbor's dogs for a while as we stood around and discussed doggy acoustics. I'm pretty sure I'm going to win the bottle of wine that was wagered. I Am thinking that direction information is resolved in the brain using the phase difference information between ears. He was thinking that determination of sound direction is based on the spectral information and amplitude differences of various frequencies between ears, since higher frequencies refract less around obstacles such as ones snout or face as the case might be. So any help in winning the the wine would be much appreciated if there are any doggy neurologist out there.

Eddie has been slowing hanging out by his normal trees nearer to the house after the gate/roof snow incident a week ago. Also last night I came up to find him preparing to do a downward facing dog on my yoga mat... actually just lying on it, I'm sure his form in that pose would be better than mine. He stayed on the mat for about 15 seconds as I tried to ignore him and then headed for the landing. He clearly uses an incremental approach to accepting my hospitality, which is interesting because he knows in what direction to go to become more civilized. Given that he has completely taken over Niko's Bed, I'm beginning to worry a bit. We heard two more gun shots and so I put dinner in the fridge. I suppose a hitherto unknown benefit of owning a gun would be to scare appetite away if one is out of dog food. I'm pretty sure the gun shots did not terrify Eddie nearly as much as Niko, and that Eddie is picking up on Niko's chicken ques.


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