Ed sleeping in the early morning in his new spot which he dug out yesterday evening as Niko and I sat in front of the house. He dug, paced, and wandered around checking his other spots for about half an hour before settling in yesterday evening. I was surprised and gratified to see him here this morning because this new spot is directly in front of the house about the same distance away as his old spot diagonally off the west corner. It is also much more exposed and doesn't have a tree, to hide behind like his previous spot. He has another spot which is behind a tree in between those two spots which is also new as of two days ago.
Eddie arrived at the end of January, if memory serves, and has only known his new home with almost complete snow cover. He seems to be happy with the appearance of the ground and spring time, as we all are. He has begun to chase after critters and is bounding around much more. Its almost as if he can see better now, but I suppose it could be his echo location works better with less snow cover. Anyway he seems happier and as not run into anything. I think he is beginning to like it better here and hopefully is becoming more comfortable. I don't blame him since I would have severe difficulty facing winter without the knowledge of coming spring, as nice as wintertime is. We all agree its time for winter to be over.
In favor of the argument that he can see better might be the reasoning which says his poor vision might be a result of stress and has more to do with the visual cortex as apposed to the retina or eyes themselves. Of course a combination is also possible. I'm becoming more enamored of the idea that his visual impairment might be stress or experiential trauma related.
Eddie arrived at the end of January, if memory serves, and has only known his new home with almost complete snow cover. He seems to be happy with the appearance of the ground and spring time, as we all are. He has begun to chase after critters and is bounding around much more. Its almost as if he can see better now, but I suppose it could be his echo location works better with less snow cover. Anyway he seems happier and as not run into anything. I think he is beginning to like it better here and hopefully is becoming more comfortable. I don't blame him since I would have severe difficulty facing winter without the knowledge of coming spring, as nice as wintertime is. We all agree its time for winter to be over.
In favor of the argument that he can see better might be the reasoning which says his poor vision might be a result of stress and has more to do with the visual cortex as apposed to the retina or eyes themselves. Of course a combination is also possible. I'm becoming more enamored of the idea that his visual impairment might be stress or experiential trauma related.